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Authorization for the Use of Child/Youth Name, Likeness, and/or Photographic Image

I grant permission to Forensics Forever to use my child’s name, likeness, and/or photographic image in the production of the following: TV shows, websites, brochures, promotional pictures, other promotional material, newspapers, online and print publications, etc. I understand that if, for whatever reason, at any point in time, I decide to revoke this agreement, and I so notify Forensics Forever in writing, all references to my child (i.e., name, likeness, and/or photographic image) will no longer be used. I understand that web page references and web page photographic images will be removed within sixty (60) days of the written notification. I understand that Forensics Forever is not responsible for access to the internet information or downloads made by users using the web prior to this removal of web references (i.e., name, likeness, and/or photographic image). I further understand that my child’s/youth’s name, likeness, and/or photographic image may continue to be used in any publication already printed or published prior to my revocation of the consent provided herein

Terms & Conditions

Assumption of risk, release and waiver of liability and indemnity agreement

I do hereby declare myself and my child to be physically sound and suffering from no condition, impairment, or other illness that would prevent my and my child's participation in the activities provided, sponsored and/or attended by Forensics Forever. I do further hereby acknowledge and understand that Forensics Forever does not carry or maintain health, medical or disability insurance for the undersigned and therefore agree to assume responsibility for such insurance coverage on the undersigned. 


I understand that there may be inherent risks, dangerous conditions, or harmful consequences of my attendance at, and participation in tournaments, events, courses, and competitions. I acknowledge that there are both known and unknown risks in the activities provided, sponsored and/or attended by Forensics Forever and that there may be unavoidable risks involved in such activities. I hereby acknowledge and agree that I understand the nature the activities provided, sponsored and/or attended by Forensics Forever; and that my child is qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate therein. I understand that if a medical emergency does arise with my child, Forensics Forever, its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents will not take any responsibility to treat your child, but will promptly contact 911 emergency services; Forensics Forever, its officers, employees, volunteers, and agents are not responsible for any medical expenses.


I, my heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns hereby waive, release, and forever discharge in advance Forensics Forever, its officers, employees, volunteers and agents from any and all liability, actions, causes of actions, damages, claims for damage for personal injury, death, property damage, or demands, which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me, whether such injuries are caused by my negligence or the negligence of Forensics Forever or any of its officers, employees, volunteers and agents, arising out of or connected in any way with my participation in the activities provided, sponsored and/or attended by Forensics Forever. Also, I agree to indemnify Forensics Forever, its officers, agents, and employees and to pay for any costs, attorney fees, or awards that may result from resisting any complaint or lawsuit which I may bring against the above-named parties for any injury or loss I claim to have suffered.

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